JKM Group (Aus) PTY LTD

Partner Visa

As the name suggests, this visa lets married partners and true partners of Australian residents, Australian permanent residents, and qualified New Zealand residents enter and live in Australia forever. We at JKM will help you get this visa by carefully evaluating you, meeting with you, and following a clear process for applying for the visa.

Even though partner visas have three important subclasses, they are divided into two groups: the Prospective Marriage visa and the Partner visa. The type of relationship you have will determine what kind of visa you should apply for.

Here are the different kinds of relationships and the visas that go with them.

Expected Marriage (Finance):  

Probable Marriage visa

According to the law, you are married: Partner visa

Partner visa based on a real relationship

Subclass Partner Visa:

 There are short-term and long-term subclasses. At first, partners who meet the legal requirements for a visa get a temporary visa. Then, if there is a long-term relationship or children from the relationship, a permanent visa could be given right away or after a certain amount of time.

Partner class movement also takes into account the fact that the fiance of Australian residents, permanent residents, and qualified New Zealand residents can visit Australia temporarily.

As the partner or fiance of an Australian resident, permanent resident, or qualified New Zealand resident, you are not eligible for a permanent home in Australia. If you want to spend the rest of your life in Australia, you should apply for a partner visa and be checked to see if you meet the legal requirements for that visa.

Let's take a quick look at the partner subclass visas that were available in your area at the time you applied:

You can apply for a Partner Temporary Visa (Subclass 820) and a Permanent Visa as long as you are in Australia (subclass 801). You can use this visa to stay in Australia with your partner, who must be a resident of Australia, a “permanent resident permanently settled in Australia,” or a qualified New Zealand resident. If you are still together after two years, you can get a permanent visa.

Considering that you are not in Australia: Temporary (Subclass 309) and Permanent (Subclass 100) Visas for a Partner: You can use this visa to enter and stay in Australia with a person who is an Australian resident, an Australian super durable occupant, or a qualified New Zealand resident. If you stay in a stable, honest relationship for a long time after using this visa, you can get a permanent visa.

Visa for a possible marriage (Subclass 300): This is for people who want to visit Australia before getting married. Your life partner must be an Australian citizen, an Australian super durable resident, or a qualified New Zealand resident for you to apply for this visa. People with this visa can apply for a Partner visa to stay in Australia forever if they get married.

General Terms and Conditions

Before you can apply for this visa, you must meet a few general requirements:

It would help if you had help from someone who lives in Australia, stays there permanently, or is a qualified resident of New Zealand. This person could be your fiance(e), a friend, or in some cases, the parent or guardian of a friend. This person must also meet the legal requirements to be a support.

You also have to be in good health and have good character.

If you have subordinate children or other ward family members, they may be able to join your application if they meet certain requirements.

No matter what, you might be able to apply for a Partner visa in Australia if you meet certain requirements after September 14, 2009. There must be these four things:

Since your last trip to Australia, your partner visa shouldn’t have been canceled or denied.

Section 501 of the Act says that a visa shouldn’t have been denied or canceled because of who you are.

You should include a Form 40SP Sponsorship for a Partner to Move to Australia that has been filled out and signed by an Australian resident, Australian permanent resident, or qualified New Zealand resident who says they are your real partner.

You should include two legal statements from Australian residents, Australian residents who have lived there as permanent residents, or qualified New Zealand residents (other than your partner) saying that you and your partner are in a relationship. These announcements should have been made no more than a month before the Partner visa was requested.

These are some of the most important things that an application must have. Besides these, there are a lot more. Under this arrangement, your application for a Partner visa in Australia will be looked at the same way as all other Partner visa applications: against the administrative requirements.
