JKM Group (Aus) PTY LTD

Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 visa

A temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) or “TSS visa” is a work visa that lets an Australian employer sponsor a foreign worker to work in their business in Australia.

The first time this work visa was issued was on March 19, 2019. The Temporary Work visa subclass 457, which DHA got rid of, was replaced by this visa.

You might be eligible for the TSS visa if you have the skills to work for an employer in Australia who wants to hire you.

There are three (3) ways to get a TSS visa:

The flow over the next
The flow in the middle term
The way the Labor Agreement works

The list of Consolidated Skilled Occupations can help you figure out which stream is best for you. If your job makes you eligible for the short-term stream, your TSS visa will only be good for two (2) years. If your job qualifies you for the medium-term stream, your TSS visa will be approved for four (4) years.

How do I know if I can get a Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa?

The following are the general rules for the TSS visa:
The Consolidated Skilled Occupations List says that you have a job. You have been recommended for a job by an Australian employer who wants to hire you.
You have the necessary skills and qualifications for your job.
At least two years have passed since you started working in your field.
English can help you do your job.
You can be moral and healthy enough to meet the DHA’s standards.
If you are in Australia, you have a permanent visa or a bridging visa A, B, or C, and you have met all the requirements for your visa.
Note: There is no age limit for the TSS visa.

How does an employer get a Subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa? What are the rules in general?

Employers who help workers from outside Australia get a TSS visa so they can work in Australia must:
Be a business that is doing things the right way.
Can’t say anything bad about the company.
Choose a real full-time job for the worker from another country.
Needs for pay and working conditions must be met.
If asked, show proof that you looked for work.

How do I apply for a Temporary Skill Shortage Subclass 482 visa?
Step 1:

See if your job is on the Consolidated Skilled Occupation Lists.

Step 2:

Make sure you meet all of the eligibility requirements.
To apply, you must meet these conditions:
Learn to talk English. While you’re in Australia, make sure you have health insurance.
If you want an Australian visa, you have to pass checks on your health and character.

Step 3:

Find a job in Australia that will pay for you to live there and work. Employers can fill out the online employer sponsorship application at the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Step 4:

Get an employer to recommend you.
Once you get a job, your employer must put you forward for a TSS visa. You can apply for the visa at the same time that your employer puts your name on a list to sponsor you. The DHA is where the employer nomination application is filled out.

Step 5:

Fill out an application for a TSS Visa.
Once the employer nomination application has been sent in, you can apply for the 457 visas online through the DHA.

Step 6:

Wait until a decision is made.
It could take a few months for the DHA to decide on your visa application. In 2018, it took between 11 and 18 days to get a TSS visa.

Step 7:

Get your work permit and get to work!
Once your application is accepted, you will get your visa and can start working in Australia.
