JKM Group (Aus) PTY LTD


This program aims to relocate highly qualified and talented individuals from particular industries to Australia.
Australia is seeking highly qualified and talented individuals who work in particular industries from all over the world to relocate there through the Global Talent Visa program.

It has two different directions of flow.

Visas sponsored by Global Talent Employers (GTES) and Global Talent Independent Program (GTP) (GTI) TITLE OF THIS VISA:
For those with exceptional potential and abilities in one of Australia’s ten (10) priority industries, there are 15,000 positions available each year.

The Advantages

Since you paid extra, your visa will be approved more quickly.
No one has rejected them on the grounds of their age either.
To work in Australia, you do not require sponsorship from an employer.
It is NOT a points-based visa.
You don’t have to speak English very well. Only a 4.5 or above on the IELTS International English Language Test, or a test of a comparable nature, will do.
You can choose to reside in Australia or another country when you apply.
You can live permanently in Australia with this visa.
Australia is a country where everyone can work and reside for as long as they choose.
In Australia, you can sign up for the public healthcare system.
Your kids will receive free public education.
You must be extremely knowledgeable and well-known throughout the world in one of the following fields to be eligible:
You must have recently earned your doctorate and excelled in one of the niches.
You must include the endorsement of a nominee in your application who is either an eligible Australian citizen or permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or an Australian organization with a national reputation in your field of expertise. The nominee must also be a nominee who has a national reputation in the same field as you.


a business associate
a fellow scholar or even a business organization.
Technology-focused people who don’t already have someone to nominate them will be nominated by the Australian Computer Science Society (ACS). You must first obtain your identification number before sending the ACS an email. They will advise you on your next steps.
Everyone else’s health, morals, security, and honesty will be subject to your scrutiny.
BEFORE YOU APPLY FOR THIS VISA: You must send an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Global Talent Independent Program before you apply for this visa.
If you are eligible for priority processing for a Distinguished Talent visa and meet the aforementioned requirements, you will receive a unique identification number (UIN).
You are now eligible to apply for the visa if you receive a number that is specific to you.


After receiving your special identification number, you will have (60) sixty days to submit a visa application. (The 60-day punishment was not always imposed.)

You must submit your application with a Subclass 858 Distinguished Talent visa, whether you are in Australia or not.

The Temporary Skills Shortage Program (482 working visa/TSS) does not apply to individuals who are extremely skilled at what they do and need a Global Talent Employers Sponsored Visa (GTES).
With Australia’s Global Talent Visa, firms can sponsor foreign workers for highly specialized, hard-to-fill positions.
The Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa / 482 work visa, particularly the Short-term and Medium-term streams, or other common visa programs, such as those for Australian citizens.
Businesses must demonstrate that they cannot fill the position through currently operating skilled immigration programs before the Department will consider a transaction.
Employers can then assist employees in obtaining a TSS visa under the GTES.
