JKM Group (Aus) PTY LTD



Canberra is a dynamic, vibrant city with a solid international reputation for excellence in testing and education. Focusing on Australia’s capital city will make you feel involved and secure.

The Standard of Education.

You will be near some of the most fascinating people in Australia if you enroll in one of Canberra’s colleges or universities. Canberra offers a wide variety of assignments and classes. Our locations range from the top 10 in Australia to the top 100 in the entire world.

Potentially opening doors via compensating work

Good jobs are available for University of Canberra graduates.

We always receive the highest average wage in Australia.

We have the lowest unemployment rate in the country.

Over 20,000 employment are supported by the training and education we receive at colleges and universities.

International students who meet the requirements will have additional time to work after they graduate. There are excellent, wide-open avenues for entry-level positions, public work experience, and private contacts. Additionally, finding part-time employment while you are here is not difficult.

Learn More About Working in Canberra.

In Canberra, information spreads like weeds.

By fostering a culture of lifelong learning, we attract the most fascinating individuals.

Education is very important to our city. The majority of Canberra residents have completed four years of college. Leaders, innovative thinkers, trailblazers, and Nobel Prize winners surround the students. They gain from artists, analysts, and entrepreneurs who have received grants.

Here, you will be made to feel welcome.

People in Canberra come in a variety of forms. More than 20,000 students from over 100 other nations opt to attend this university. More than 100 missions and consulates are here to promote peace. In Canberra, one in four residents was born abroad.

During Orientation Week, make friends and keep things straightforward. We always attempt to make the region a place where everyone can fit in and offer assistance with relocation.

Canberra is home to a member of the Welcoming Cities Program.

Inexpensive and Simple to Obtain

One of the nicest cities in the world for living in Canberra. Everything you require is nearby, making getting around simple. We’ve reduced the cost of using public transportation by offering students a discount on bus and light rail fares. With more than 400 km of bike trails spread out over the city, we are also well-suited for riding.

Although there aren’t many foreign flights going to Canberra right now, there are still frequent flights there and back, so your family should have no trouble traveling there. When you’re prepared to return home, the travel there and back takes little time.

Because most ordinary products are less expensive in Canberra than in many other Australian cities, your money will go further.

Consistent convenience

Living close to campus is made simple for incoming students at our top universities. It is spotless, secure, and convenient for anything you would need.
